All the lakes and ponds are freezing over.
The theatre entrance inside the grocery store. They have two theaters.
Maze Runner
I will have to say, the seats were pretty awesome!
You could rock in them or lay back a little if you wanted.
For this inservice we talked all about CHAMPS, which is a classroom management system. The speaker basically told us all about the basics of CHAMPS and how we can start to implement and use it in our classrooms. CHAMPS is an acronym for :
C- Conversation
H- Help
A- Activities
M- Movement
P- Participation
S- Success
It is a really cool management system where you go through basically anything you do; going to lunch, taking a test, doing classwork, small groups, individual work, etc. and you specify what students should be doing during those activities. What their conversation should be like, what to do if they need help, what the activity is, what kind of movement should be involved, who and how they should be participating, and how that all leads to success.
This is my buddy Kourtney. She teaches Middle School in Kwethluk.
I bought a pair of beaded earrings from the airport (someone was selling them there) and my friend Heather decided to photo bomb my picture.
The Eek and Quinhagak gangs waiting for take off!
See you in about three weeks Bethel!
Finally got to head home to Eek. Bethel is fun, but there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed. We all had a great time as usual though and I always look forward to seeing all my new friends.